Zebra TC5X Series Mobile Devices

Zebra TC5X Series Mobile Devices


The TC5X range, derived from the TC52 and TC57 models, offers three advanced models, including the TC52ax Wi-Fi with Wi-Fi 6 scanner, dual memory, and the Workstation Connect solution. With the Mobility DNA suite, it offers simplified operation, an optimized user interface, and enhanced security with LifeGuard 3. The TC5X series redefines the standards of rugged mobile devices.


Superior reading power thanks to the SE4720 engine, providing fast and easy data capture.

  • The TC52ax features the IntelliFocus™ technology SE55 engine for adjustable focus and long-range reading up to 12 metres.
  • The green laser viewfinder improves aiming, and PRZM technology ensures fast and reliable barcode reading.
  • Professional accessories, retroactive compatibility with TC52/TC57 accessories, and support for next-generation payment solutions make them versatile tools.
  • The built-in Bluetooth beacon and Device Tracker app make it easy to locate devices.
  • With a high-capacity PowerPrecision+ battery offering up to 14 hours of power and a two-minute in-service replacement mode, the reliable battery life meets the needs of extended work periods.

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